Dec 14, 2016

The road to Heresy Doubles 6 - painting dry run

I was nearly ready to start base coating this morning but decided on a dry run instead. Cleaning an airbrush can take some time so I want to spend the maximum amount of time laying down paint I can manage.

The dry run showed me I didn't prepare my model space as much as I could. I had all the bases lined up but I wasn't going to do them all, I was going to take four up at a time to minimise paint splatter on the other bases. I had no easy way to remove all 60 at once, I'd have to put them on another table and then back up again. If I only had 10 done I'd have to put all 60 back in to keep them away from small fingers. Some thinking and I realised I have an unassembled Deltof, the base would fit and make it easy to move the bases around in one batch.

If the rain stopped for awhile I could just use a rattle can on them but its ever-present during my hobby time.

Dec 12, 2016

The road to Heresy Doubles 5 - Armoured support, 10 minute progress

Searching for some Rhino sprue's for my veterans I found two assembled and based rhinos. I had these painted up for my Crimson Fist 40k army but I think I'll rebase them for 30k IF.

Recolour the majority in black, paint over some parts with ochre and then yellow for some nice contrast.

I'll try to replace that techmarine head with another HH era style helmet. I'll also be adding multimelta pintle mounts, have to make sure they fit!

Dec 11, 2016

The road to Heresy Doubles 4 - 30 minute Hobby Progress

More today! Getting the bases glued to something, this will make them easier to airbush evenly and then to paint afterwards. I found I was missing one after a count, thankfully it was hidden in the corner of my cheapo-DIY airbrush box.

60 bases ready and sorted. Hoping I'll have them all basecoated in the next post or a large part of them.

I'm going to try for this
  1. Prime black.
  2. Paint the earth areas with skavenblight dinge.
  3. Drybrush with longbeard grey.
  4. Paint the metal areas leadbelcher.
  5. Wash the whole thing agrax earthshade.
  6. Dab typhus corrosion onto the metal to give is some extra texture and provide the base for the rust.
  7. Then dab on some ryza rust onto some of those areas.
  8. Done.
This should give a nice base and somewhat match the theme of the other armies bases.

Dec 10, 2016

The road to Heresy Doubles 3 - 10 minute Hobby Progress

Lining up the first squad. Some weapons need to be removed and replaced with proper ones. I'm glad I used superglue on these guys instead of poly, those things just snap off :) I have to add a bolt pistol to the Sergeant and a second heavy bolter. Also a vexilla.

I have the 40k marines with heavy bolters as a backup in case I cannot get enough 30k ones. I should have 3 plastic ones and one resin (the Minotaur event only miniature) It fits will with the style Sigismund has on his armour.

Dec 9, 2016