Oct 1, 2015

Terminator progress and starting some Horus Heresy Imperial Fists

I've got some updates for a Crimson Fist Terminator squad, I have to do some more for the small parts and then move on to a wash. I'd like a stone effect for the inner section of the shield but I don't have the painting skill to do something effective so I'll go with a solid colour.

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In another Era, I've started building up my Outrider squad and I'm going to do a 30k army with them.

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It's a kit I've had for awhile and after some tactics coverage from the Eye of Horus podcast (Episode 29 @ 1:14:00 mark) I've gone back to them. I've also pledged them to the Imperial Fists expansion on Bolter and Chainsword and plan to use the airbrush "recipe" that Krakenfiend posted in the thread.


1. Prime White
2. Use air brush to base coat model with Vallejo Model Air Golden Yellow (71.078)
3. Use air brush to apply thinned down Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (71.040 thinned 2 parts thinner to 1 part paint) to the models recesses and areas that would have a natural shadow (like the bottom of the thunderfire cannon side skirts).
4. I apply an oil wash in the recesses and around bolts to define these areas better.


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